Today was day one

-Bret Tkacs-
A few nights ago we dragged Chrisina’s piano up the stairs with the Toyota truck.

The Piano weighs over 525 lbs and it was just the two of us so I quickly made a makeshift ramp out of plywood, and we used tow straps and the truck in four-wheel-drive to drag it up the stairs. Lucky for me everything worked out well…
Christina has decided to leave a few days early so she can visit Friends and relitives that dot the west however this little plan doesn’t seem to be working out. We are exactly one hour apart and she is now stranded an hour south of me with the oil spewing all over her boots and her back tire. I am currently driving our truck to go rescue her and the motorcycle and do a roadside repair or to bring it back for more repairs.


Although every day seems to put us a little farther behind schedule last night was almost fun… We spent the day creating duplicate copies of important documents and working to make licenses and passports that looked original for police officer stops to try to avoid being in a hard spot trying to be bribed.

No matter how it goes I still have many days left in Tacoma before I can head south to meet up with Christina. Today just means another crazy week just got crazier… The trip is getting real and I’m starting to get excited but it’s one heck of a rough start.

We did come up with a pretty neat idea to try to avoid mosquito bites if we end up in areas of malaria.

There is a spray you can put on your clothes to chase bugs and mosquitoes away, we chose to saturate our shemaghs so that we could wrap them around our necks or if needed around our heads to help ward off bites

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